1:48 pm

First of all, I'm so excited that after a bit of the time off I took this month we get to reconnect again! The begining of December is here and I know I am pretty late with recommendations of outfits for fall. So today I have decided to review some of my favorite fall outfits that I have never used before in my blogposts. During my blogging career I have developed my style and expanded out of my comfort zone, therefore I hope that this post could be helpful to you. Even though you see the different outfits for different months of the year, I still believe that they can be combined well with good coat or a winter jacket.

Pre svega, mnogo se radujem što posle dva meseca pauze, konačno možemo pričati i ovim putem na blogu. Već je početak decembra i moji jesenji predlozi prilično kasne, ali za danas sam odlučila da "skupim" neke od mojih omiljenih outfita u prethodnim sezonama. Naravno, odnosi se na outfite tokom postojanja bloga kada se moj stil vidno izdefinisao. Iako se ovde radi o različitim godišnjim dobima, mahom se svi outfiti mogu primeniti na trenutnu temperaturu uz odgovarajući kaput ili jaknu.

What all of these outfits in common it that  they were created last minute before the shooting with a little bit of imagination and creativity. I have combined old clothes with some new details, so that every outfit could be interesting and innovative and give somebody an inspiration. Some of the new details that have been included are effective bag, nice hat, mesh tights, beautiful desing on t-shirt, blouse, sweatshirt, contrast of colors, black boots, leather jacket or interesting piece of jewelry. I hope you find this concept interesting and see you soon! :)

Ono što je zajedničko za svaki od ovih outfita jeste definitivno da su nastali uz malo mašte i snalažljivosti u "poslednji čas" pred dogovoreno fotografisanje. Većinom sam kombinovala stare stvari iz svog ormana uz neke nove detalje kako bi svaka kombinacija bila zanimljiva i dovoljno inovativna da se nađe na blogu i nekome da ideju. Neki od detalja koji su upotpunili svaki outfit su efektna torba, lep šešir, mrežaste čarape (koje mislim da će dobro poslužiti i tokom ove jeseni-zime ili pak neki drugi dezen na čarapama), print na bluzi-duksu-košulji, kontrast boja, crne čizme, kožna jakna ili zanimljiv nakit. Nadam se da vam se dopada ovakav koncept blogposta i čitamo se uskoro ponovo. :)

Photography: Katarina Ilišković (@29birdy2)

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