1:08 pmIt is such a good feeling to settle down and write a new blogpost after two months. I have just built rutine of writing blogpost in continuity, then have set up my Youtube channel and new year in faculty has begun, so unfortunately I needed to slow down with something. I have sacrificed fall season when it comes to new trends and pieces of clothing, and I am not happy about that at all. :( I have many plans, but I can't find enough time to make it all happen. Sometimes, it is better to give up something for a while, instead of working with half of energy and motivation.
Tako je dobar osećaj konačno sesti da napišem novi post na blogu posle dva meseca. Taman kada sam preko leta uspela da uhvatim neki kontinuitet sa redovnim postovanjem, došla je i izgradnja Youtube kanala a i nova godina na fakultetu tako da je nešto nažalost moralo da ispašta. Mislim da sam prilično žrtvovala jesenju sezonu, kada su novi trendovi i odevne kombinacije u pitanju i nije mi ni malo drago zbog toga. :( Mnoge stvari imam u planu, ali jednostavno ne uspevam naći dovoljno vremena da se svemu posvetim na pravi način, pa je nekada bolje odustati od određenih ideja nego raditi ih sa pola snage i motivacije.
I have planned today's post for a long period of time and all photos that you can see here are presenting my blogging progress related to fashion and style. What definitely makes my blog stand out when it comes to style is leather jacket and black biker style boots. Today I have decided to do second part of my blogpost on this exact topic ''How to wear a leather jacket with almost everything".
Leather jacket was my necessary clothing item prior to creating my blog and it has always been my favorite piece of clothing. When I've started with blogging, leather jackets I wore came in new colors, desings and models. I really wanted to keep old pieces that I wore and loved for extended period of time, but mix and match them with some new ones and showcase different ways to use them.
After all I felt really good and proud of myself because I finally found my own style which people started to notice. On the photos you can see a lot of differents outfits, styled with leather jacket. Street style outfits are included, girly ones and some strictly elegant combinations. I'm so very glad that I had enough courage to wear this piece of clothing in my own way aside of the fashion rules or trends. We are often unaware of how basic leather jacket could be worn, aside of just simple pair of jeans, t-shirt and sneakers. Really, you don't need to wait for special opportunity to make your outfit out stand and be unique. Clothing for every day doesn't have to mean boring or basic. You don't need to feel ordinary in your clothes just because you are not going anywhere fancy today and are set on doing your everyday things. Trust me, you will feel much better and more confident if you pay attention to your style everyday, as it is an expression of who you are in a way. Thinking about outfits and how to mix them in your own way (for school, faculty, job) can be fun. If you start seeing it from another perspective, you will get more encouraged about styling your outfits related with your personality and mood.
It is not my intention to get too far off from the central topic, so I am looking forward to find my side thoughts and photos in today's post helpful. Leather jacket is capital symbol for fall, but I like to wear it through whole year when the weather allows me. :)
Ne želim da idem predaleko od teme, tako da nadam se da će vam moje fotografije biti od pomoći i dati vam ideje, jer kožna jakna je po mom mišljenju glavni simbol jeseni, mada je ja rado nosim i tokom cele godine kada mi vremenska prognoza to dozvoli. :)
Photography by: Katarina Ilišović (@29birdy2)